Ink Ink Contact Form

Contact us here for any questions you may have or to schedule your next tattoo appointment. When you’re ready to book, copy and paste these questions into a new email addressed to Please fill it out to the best of your ability with your artist preference so we can best serve your needs. One of our artists will contact you back in regards to your request. This request does not mean you have an appointment booked. Please be patient as this process takes time. If you would like to inquire about a tattoo with Kelsey please follow her on Instagram @kelseykolors to find all of her booking info. Thank you for choosing Ink Ink for your next tattoo experience.

Our Branson location is closed permanently as of November 19th, 2022 so all appointments will be book in the Springfield location only going forward. Thank you all for understanding.

*Please Copy and Paste these questions into a new email addressed to*


Tattoo Form:

First and Last Name:

Email address:

Full Phone Number:


Desired Artist: Kelsey, Claire

Brief Description of the tattoo as well as approximate size and placement:

Are you local or flying/driving in for this appointment?

If flying/driving in (not local), from where?

*We have a loft above the shop listed on airbnb for overnight stays if needed.

Are you wanting to book a Single day session or a Double day session?

Desired appointment date/days of the week that work best for you: *keep in mind we are closed Sun, Mon, & Tues*

Please include a straight on photo of the body part you want tattooed or multiple photos if it will wrap around.

*If you have any reference photos please attach them as well.

*Please make sure you read through the deposit policy*

piercing form:

First and Last Name:

Email address:

Full Phone Number:


Piercing you are wanting:

*If you are wanting migraine/headache relief with this piercing, you are wanting the Daith piercing.

Desired appointment date/days of the week that work best for you: *keep in mind we are closed Sun, Mon, & Tues

**If you are scheduling a piercing on your lunch break or with limited time, Please make sure to let us know so we can schedule accordingly.